Can You Match The Company To Its Logo?

It's safe to say most of us rely on a huge variety of brands in our everyday life. From cars to cleaning supplies, clothing to computers, every object we interact with on a daily basis bears the name or logo of some well-known company. But while our homes may be filled with dozens — even hundreds — of different brands, have you been paying close enough attention to be able to match these famous logos to the companies they belong to?

This well-known tech logo belongs to:

Which luxury brand's logo features two interlocking C's?

This simple swoosh is known far and wide for being the logo of:

Which car company features this as their logo?

This American-looking logo belongs to the brewing company:

For all your pharmacy needs, head on down to this store:

There's a good chance you're scrolling on a device made by this company as we speak:

Which popular car brand owns this logo?

Thirsty? You might want to reach for this beloved soda brand:

This high-end Italian car brand is known as...

This fast-food chain encourages customers to "think outside the bun":

Which sports brand does this logo belong to?

For some finger-lickin' good chicken, head on over to this fast-food chain:

Which insurance company logo features a pair of "good hands"?

This logo belongs to which cell phone carrier?

This service station chain is known as:

One of the pioneers of the video game industry, this brand was called:

Which food and drink brand uses this logo?

This logo belongs to which Hollywood studio?

This car brand is known for its durable, heavy-duty trucks:

You're likely to find this company's logo on the front of a cereal box:

Evidently, this fast-food chain thinks pretty highly of its baby-back ribs:

Recognize this telecom company's logo?

To which fast-food giant do these golden arches belong?

This famous beer brand is called:

Can you name this well-known service station?

Which German car brand does this logo represent?

What's the name of this audio brand?

In which energy drink company's logo would you find this image?

This logo belongs to the luxury vehicle brand:

This is the logo of one of the world's most popular coffee chains:

Which brand of alcohol bears this logo?

It's not a tractor unless it's a:

Which video game console line features this logo?

This high-end watch company is known as:

Which tech company did this logo belong to?

This famous peacock is the logo of which television network?

This feline-forward logo could only belong to:

Can you name this European car brand?

The sight of this peeking smiley face means you're shopping at: